Become a champion

Many people and organizations are aiming to become more secure online. Becoming a Get Cyber Safe champion is a great way to get started.

What is Get Cyber Safe?

Get Cyber Safe is a campaign led by the Communications Security Establishment Canada to inform Canadians about the simple steps they can take to stay safe online.

Why become a champion?

Get Cyber Safe champions are organizations, and individuals who are dedicated to promoting a safer and more secure internet. Become a Get Cyber Safe champion and help promote cyber security through your business, non-profit organization, school community, or through your personal networks.

To get started, choose the program kit that most applies to you:

For organizations

Become a champion and help promote cyber security in Canada.

For individuals

See how you can help support a safer internet for all Canadians.

On social media

You can use the posts included in this kit to help promote cyber security through your business, non-profit organization, school community, or through your personal networks.


Get Cyber Safe has created a series of facts sheets on important cyber safety topics to help Canadians stay safe online. These fact sheets are free for you to use, download and share at home, at work and in the community.

Fact sheets:

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The internet has become an essential part of our everyday lives, but using it doesn’t come without risk. We share more of our personal data online than ever before, and your information could be compromised.

That’s why it’s more important than ever to understand what kind of cyber threats are out there, and how to protect yourself against them.

Software updates

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Our computers, phones, and tablets are useful devices that can help us connect, but they often contain personal information. That personal information could be compromised if our devices are vulnerable to cyber threats. The best and easiest way to protect yourself? Update your software regularly.

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Phishing is a common tactic cyber criminals use to trick you into sending money or giving up sensitive information. Phishing messages are typically sent by email or text (also known as smishing ).

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Devices and accounts are important tools that help us stay connected. But they also contain a lot of personal information that you don’t want to fall into the wrong hands. So how do you ensure your private information stays private? Go beyond just a password by enabling multi-factor authentication , which requires additional verification (like a PIN or fingerprint) to access your devices or accounts.

More Get Cyber Safe materials, including infographics, videos and printables can be found on our resources page.


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